What should I do if...

…I find a poison bait or poisoned animal in the countryside

  1. Do not touch it and keep a safe distance!
  2. If I have pets or children around me, I keep them under close surveillance, so they won’t touch anything or eat any poisoned baits still left in the area.
  3. Take some photos.
  4. If possible, call at 1591 (Forestry Service), 100 (Police) or, if I am in a protected area, at the local NECCA Management Body and give as many details as possible, regarding the exact location of the incident.
  5. If possible, I remain at the spot until the authorities arrive.
  6. If I find a poisoned animal, which is still alive in the countryside, call one of the following Animal Rescue Centres for further guidance:

…I hear that someone has used poisoned baits in the countryside

  1. I call at 1591 (Forestry Service), 100 (Police) or, if I am in a protected area, at the local NECCA Management Body. I give as many details as possible, regarding the exact location of the incident.
  2. I express my disapproval of this action among the other members of my community and inform and discuss for alternative possible ways to solve any potential drivers behind this practice, which are safe and legal, such as alternative preventive measures and tools and requests to competent authorities to implement more intensive surveillance of hot-spots/places with frequent occurrence of poisoned baits.