
Anti-poison Dog Units in Greece
In Greece, the use of specially trained dogs to detect poison baits started in 2014, as part of the LIFE+ EU funded project “The Return of the Neophron”. That year, two specially trained dogs from Spain were acquired to form part of the country’s first Anti-poison Dog Units. As soon as they arrived in Greece, the two dogs went immediately into action; the one as part of the anti-poison dog unit established by the Hellenic Ornithological Society / BirdLife Greece in Meteora and the other one as part of WWF Greece anti-poison dog unit in Dadia.

“Cookie” in Meteora, the 1st dog-detector of poisoned baits in the country
Information – Awareness Campaign
In Greece, the use of specially trained dogs to detect poison baits started in 2014, as part of the LIFE+ EU funded project “The Return of the Neophron”. That year, two specially trained dogs from Spain were acquired to form part of the country’s first Anti-poison Dog Units. As soon as they arrived in Greece, the two dogs went immediately into action; the one as part of the anti-poison dog unit established by the Hellenic Ornithological Society / BirdLife Greece in Meteora and the other one as part of WWF Greece anti-poison dog unit in Dadia.